heaven on earth…

June 22, 2024

Your body is not a sack of flesh and bones. It is portal to heaven on earth, your divine energy in human form, and how you perceive and encounter the world around you. Learn about your skin, bones, joints, tissues, breast tissues, feet, yoni, belly, heart, etc. and not just about make up or how to dress. Tend to your ethereal body and your passionate creative energy so that you can live in the overflow and have something generous to share with other people from there. This can be a huge struggle especially for Black, Brown, and Poor women, because the biggest “thing” we have been conditioned to avoid is ourselves (our actual cells) and not to perceive ourselves worthy and valuable enough. We have been weakened because we have been historically trained to use our service transactionally as a means to be loved or approved of. As Priestesses/Divine Women/Divine Females, we have allowed our power to be siphoned into division and separation where we point a finger at others, and only experience everything happening “out there” instead of divinely drawing  the connection that we are the origin points to everything happening in the external world because our bodies house the womb.

India Ame’ye, The Melody of Love

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