about space travel…

December 16, 2023

“You mean old books?” 
“Stories written before space travel but about space travel.” 
“How could there have been stories about space travel before…” 
“The writers,” Pris said, “made it up.” 

Philip K. Dick – Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? 

With or without stars

April 14, 2023

Night is an element of love; like fog. It liberates space, lets freshness cross it. Its magic elevates the body, brings to the surface the mystery of just being alive, being. With or without stars and galaxies, the sky becomes a private territory — the imagination’s own scope. These are moments when one reaches all there is between the moon and oneself. 

Etel Adnan – On Love and the Cost We Are Not Willing to Pay Today 

Then we will touch each other. Our bodies will finally embroider this allegory of gestures and caresses. I will imagine your sex hitting mine, your lips scratching my mouth. I will hallucinate your fingers on my neck and welcome throbbing whispers in my belly. You will fill me with your words and your juices, glowing and burning lavas flowing down my throat…

To say that a thing is imaginary is not to dispose of it in the realm of mind, for the imagination, or the image making faculty, is a very important part of our mental functioning. An image formed by the imagination is a reality from the point of view of psychology; it is quite true that it has no physical existence, but are we going to limit reality to that which is material? We shall be far out of our reckoning if we do, for mental images are potent things, and although they do not actually exist on the physical plane, they influence it far more than most people suspect.

Dion Fortune – Spiritualism in the Light of Occult Science

X-Rated imagination

August 8, 2022

The only man I’ve ever been with is my husband, but my imagination is X-Rated.

Anne Rice – Called Out of Darkness: A Spiritual Confession

Who Is A Muse?

July 20, 2022

The definition of muse is pretty simple. What inspires you artistically is called a muse. It can be ‘someone’ or ‘something’, i.e., a person or a thing, situation, event, etc. If we talk about examples, then lovers are counted as quite common examples of muses, especially in writing. In order to write poetry, several writers derive inspiration from their personal love life. But that doesn’t mean if one’s lover is one’s muse, one would only be able to write poems on love, heartbreak, relationship, compatibility, romance, etc.

A muse can inspire a person in multiple ways. It often happens that writers who find their muse in their partner or lover, write about their relationship, highlighting their expectations, compatibility, sex life, etc. But it’s often beyond that. Some writers write about what their lovers love or hate, etc. For instance, I know a great writer who is also a good friend of mine. She mostly writes on the mundaneness of middleclass working men’s lives. Sometimes, she also writes poems on sports. But she says that her only muse is her husband. She takes inspiration from the ordinariness of her husband’s life, and sometimes also writes about what he loves the most, i.e., cricket and football. So, this is what a muse does! Muses inspire – only inspire (with no strings attached). The inspiration can be in any way. All what an artist gets from a muse is some ambrosial seeds of artistry, and then they amalgamate their imagination with their inspiration to sire aesthetic pieces of art. I hope now you clearly know what/who a muse is and what it does. 

Sheena Dawar – How To Get Constant Inspiration For Writing Poetry?

My imagination? No, I don’t think it’s VIVID at all. On the contrary, it’s not nearly potent enough. My poor imaginative faculties have always needed…extensions. That’s why I’m here with you. You’re smiling again, or rather you’re SMIRKING. Funny word, smirk. Rather like an extraterrestrial surname. Simon Smirk. How do you think that sounds?

Thomas Ligotti – Songs of a Dead Dreamer

A writer’s or poet’s love is so misunderstood, that is why he should avoid mixing with ordinary people, and by ordinary, I mean those who know nothing of words, nothing of imagination, and even less of dreams and emotions. The writer loves alone and the poet suffers for him.

Esu Emmanuel – A poets love


February 17, 2022