
June 24, 2024

Close your eyes, and lose yourself in the darkness
under the blood-red forest of your eyelids.

Sink into those spirals of sound
that buzz and whir and fall,
but echo in the distance, far off,
all the way to the eardrum,
a deafened waterfall.

Plunge into the darkness,
drown yourself in your skin,
and further — in your core;
let the bone, its livid flash,
dazzle and blind you,
and among chasms and gulfs of hell
open its blue plume, the will’-o-the-wisp.

In that liquid dream shadow
bathe in your nakedness,
surrender your form, your foam
(no one knows who left it on the shore);
lose yourself in yourself,
infinite in your infinite being,
sea losing itself in another sea — forget yourself and forget me.

In that forgetfulness with neither age nor end
lips, kisses, love — all is reborn:
the stars are daughters of the night.

Octavio Paz

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