We have our books

September 3, 2020

And so, the last day of summer has gone, departed, buggered off somewhere else, leaving us to face the thrilling prospect of more rain, rain, rain – but we are resolute, indomitable, we remain unbowed by circumstances. In short, we don’t care!

We have our books; they fall open and we fall in.

What more could we possibly need?


Dance in the rain

Dance in the rain
With clouds at your heels
Rosebuds refreshed
The calming one feels

Life is the present
There’s no need to wait
Throwback the shutters
And unlock the gate

Dance in the rain
As it cleanses the sky
No tears on sun’s cheeks
And no need to cry

Life is what’s happening
Through clouds or gray
Sunshine or snowflakes
They’re all nature’s way

Dance in the rain
It’s all part of life
Let hope, your umbrella
Guide you through strife

Dance in the rain
And when clouds tend to loom
Welcome their darkness
Into the room

Life is for living
Through storms, joy and pain
Always remember to

Holly Jamestone

Dee is reading Stephen King’s ‘THE STAND’ for must be the fiftieth time – we make her wear a face mask while she reads. I have to admit the book contains one of my favorite fictional characters – Trashcan Man.

Wishing you all health, safety, and security, boys & girls.


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