Ritual works…

April 3, 2015


Ritual works. Symbolic acts have real consequences in our lives, the power of pulling down energy to manifest in the real world, of bringing spirit into our bodies and onto the planet, of realizing. It is dangerous to treat ritual frivolously, as if symbolic acts won’t change anything. Magic works. Take care, be mindful. Have respect.

Catherine Liszt and Dossie Easton
The Topping Book

2 Responses to “Ritual works…”

  1. wendiw said

    That is a deeply disturbing picture…

    • peedeel said

      Yes, I agree. I find the whole concept of bondage and magic ritual deeply disturbing, because it always seems too manifest itself as borderline Satanism, with an emphasis on “devil worship” and darkness, rather than healing or light. Catherine Liszt and Dossie Easton’s book is of course primarily an examination of the contemporary BDSM scene, but it does touch on ritual and on magic via ecstatic states, this achieved through intense pain…Something I know is possible, but not something I’d recommend to anyone else.

      Taking power over another individual (whether that individual acquiesces in their submission or not) in order to inflict pain of varying degree, is morally questionable; but to use that experience to awaken your own or your victims spiritual awareness is, in my view, a step too far. It tends to appeal to the darkest aspects of the human psyche. The forces then unleashed can ultimately prove fatal for the individual concerned. Here, indeed, there be dragons!

      Consequently, whatever the rights and wrongs of it, I chose a deeply disturbing image to accompany what I perceive as a deeply disturbing subject.

      I hope that by explaining my motivation in this instance, it serves, in part at least, as mitigation for my decision.

      Kindest regards,


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