Feel it

September 3, 2021

And when they first touched, naked, leg to leg, thigh to thigh, breast to breast, her long hair dangling against his shoulder she said, ‘This is your first time. Feel it — the skin.’

Donald Hall – The First Woman

like a priestess

August 31, 2020

Your body disturbs. The velvet smoothness of your skin, lightly tanned by the sun. You exude magic. You are a book of witch spells, lying there, like a priestess at the altar of desire.

feel your vulnerability

June 14, 2020

I like you nude, naked against my clothed body. And I love having you in my hands like this. Love to feel your vulnerability. Your body free for my hands, my caresses. Free for my lips, my kisses on your naked skin. Suck your lips. Bite your nipples. Touch your buttocks. See your naked sex. Make it stand between my fingers. Then order you to dress and go…Or maybe not!

falling into the flesh

December 14, 2019

I’m falling into the flesh,
into the sadness of the body
that cannot give up its habits,
habits of the hands and skin.

Margaret Atwood

sweetest moments

September 21, 2019

We knew sex in the sweetest moments and in the harshest moments too. We pressed our bodies together. We peeled them apart. We exchanged our skins. We talked a little then fell silent.

Nizar Qabbani
Attempt to Assassinate a Love Affair
Trans.Paul Weinfield


September 5, 2019

One morning in bed
I felt the blue sky
dance against my skin
like the lips of
anonymous strangers

wild thing

August 4, 2019

Feed me to the wolves,
let them have my flesh. I am
something skin can’t hold.


take from her soul

July 24, 2018

It begins. And you must take from her soul. Palm against palm. Button after button, untying the dress of her spirit until you touch and possess that hidden skin with your eyes.

If this Blog doesn’t make your skin crawl – then it’s on too tight!


Yet another Mind enriching post from:

Peedeel’s Blog
smut, literature,
voodoo, hoodoo &
so much more!


May 9, 2014


Skin is a multilayered, multipurpose organ that shifts from thick to thin, tight to loose, lubricated to dry, across the landscape of the body. Skin, a knowledge-gathering device, responds to heat and cold, pleasure and pain. It lacks definitive boundaries, flowing continuously from the exposed surfaces of the body to its internal cavities. It is both living and dead, a self-repairing, self-replacing material whose exterior is senseless and inert while its inner layers are flush with nerves, glands, and capillaries.”—

(Ellen Lupton)
“Skin: Surface Substance and Design”